image problem

by Lori Eldridge <lorield(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 30 Sep 2000 14:20:39 -0700
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi All,

I am having a problem getting two images to show correctly on NN 
4.7.3 on the following web page that I manage--the tic tac toe image 
(two lines are missing on NN 4.7.3 but it shows up correctly in 
fireworks2 and IE5) and the last animated image on the right doesn't 
show up at all online (supposed to be a base guitar) on NN 4.7.3. but 
it does on IE 5. The guitar image shows up correctly on my own 
computer on NN 4.73 but the tic tac toe image still has the two lines 

Young Poets

I have no control over anything above or below the two ruled lines 
(just the Young Poets section)--the owner of the site controls 
everything else and according to the validators there are multiples 
of errors there (including no doct type, etc), so I'm not sure if the 
problem is contained in my code or theirs.

If someone can tell me what the problem is I would appreciate it.  Thanks,


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